Vaccinations, 120 years of Health Council
The National Vaccination Program has improved the health of many Dutch people in recent decades. The Health Council of the Netherlands (in Dutch: Gezondheidsraad) is an independent scientific advisory body whose legal task it is to advise the Dutch ministers and Parliament in the field of public health and health/healthcare research. The Council advises for instance on the trade-offs between vaccination effect and side effects, between benefits and costs. Three speakers have been invited for the ‘120 years of Health Council’ Podcast to talk about these vaccination recommendations. Bart-Jan Kullberg is President of the Health Council of the Netherlands and Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. Marion Koopmans is Professor of Virology and a member of the Vaccination Committee and Kees Groeneveld is scientific secretary at the council.
Source: The Health Council of the Netherlands / Gezondheidsraad
Date: 22 March 2023
Want to know more about the research of prof. dr. Marion Koopmans within the PDPC:
Frontrunner project: Predicting, measuring and quantifying airborne virus transmission
Frontrunner project: Integrated early-warning surveillance methods and tools
Frontrunner project: Climate change and vectorborne virus outbreaks