The first celebration of the Resilient Delta Initiative
During the first live Resilient Delta celebration on Monday 4 October, many enthusiastic partners of the Resilient Delta initiative gathered to celebrate the progress made within the City theme. The corona crisis has not slowed down the ambitions to tackle the complex challenges Rotterdam is facing: over the past year scientists from TU Delft, Erasmus University and Erasmus Medical Centre have worked hard on setting up transdisciplinary research projects for our City theme, together with other public and private partners. These efforts have already resulted in two inspiring projects to start soon: SPRING and DE-RISC
Wonderful to finally meet offline with our scientists and societal partners.
Three speakers opened the evening by sharing the story about their life’s work in Rotterdam South. First, Ton Wesselink, Director of the SS Rotterdam, elaborated upon the intermingled histories of the city, the citizens and the SS Rotterdam and the role the SS Rotterdam still has today in inspiring young Rotterdammers to follow their dreams. Second, Giovanni van Bronckhorst explained how his foundation, S.V. GIO, enables children to become a captain of their own future. Finally, Annet van Otterloo showed the value of citizen-led development by the Afrikaanderwijk Coöperatie.
It is good to see the many perspectives on solutions for Rotterdam South, and that real innovation happens when unusual suspects start to collaborate!
Afterwards, scientists and (societal) partners of the City theme were finally able to enjoy a drink and connect with each other in real life, accompanied by the music from the Fine Jazz Duo. This celebration also served as a kick-off for a three day conference of the SPRING project. This project aims to reduce health inequalities in Rotterdam by combining longitudinal quantitative data research and action-oriented qualitative research, working together with many local stakeholders such as public authorities, companies and citizens. This fits within the Resilient Delta “City” theme that focuses on the widening gap of socio-economic inequalities and other urban challenges that a big metropole such as Rotterdam faces in the 21st century. For the other Resilient Delta themes “Port”, “Methodology” and “Delta system” we will organize similar celebrations together with all relevant partners. Click here if you want to know more about Resilient Delta, our themes or our other projects.
This evening was inspirational and inspiration leads to the scientific innovation that is needed to solve the wicked problems that we are facing!