Kevin Pijpers
I am a social and philosophical anthropologist, interested in epistemic and environmental (in)justices. I look at affective knowledge practices in the city, archaeology, science & technology, and policy & breakdown. How bodies ‘know’, and what they feel is worth keeping (and not) in times of climate catastrophe is of urgent concern.
I am currently affiliated with the Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center, an initiative from Erasmus University Medical Center, Delft University of Technology, and Erasmus University Rotterdam.
My project prepares a multi-sited living lab in my home borough of Rotterdam South in alignment with a multi-sited ethnography that knots local issues to translocal socio-politics. I combine volunteer work with my research on the ‘everyday politics’ of city denizens. Conceptually, I draw on various anthropological, philosophical and sociological sources to situationally analyse existing (trans)local and socio-technical infrastructures in the stigmatized territory of Rotterdam South.