Karin van Vuuren-Wisse
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
PhD candidate
I am pleased to introduce myself as a PhD candidate in thefrontrunner titled “Pandemic Lessons for Flood DisasterPreparedness”. My research will be conducted under the supervision of thedepartment of Health Care Governance, faculty ESHPM at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and will focuson the governance of healthcare systems in the context of flood disasters.
My backgroundin health care management and research policy making will enable me to explorethe governance dynamics between the healthcare, crisis management, and watermanagement domains. Specifically, I am interested in contributing to healthcare governance in rural areas during crises, given my roots and home in theprovince of Zeeland.
I am excited to be a part of the PDPC program, as itprovides a diverse and multidisciplinary group that reflects the governancedomains of my research. I am committed to contributing to this important areaof study, and look forward to collaborating with my colleagues within the PDPC.