Julien Magana
TU Delft
PhD candidate
I am a 23-year-old Frenchman who recently graduated from Sorbonne University, and I will be working with the PDPC on the project “Pandemic Lessons for Flood Disaster Preparedness.” So far in my academic career, I have studied at several universities through various programs, gaining professional, technological, and lately research-oriented knowledge. During these years, I had the opportunity to do several internships in France and the Netherlands, as well as an international stay to study for a year at a Czech university, all of which contributed to my personality and state of mind, which I would describe as open, curious, and international oriented. I believe that my previous years of academic experience will enable me to contribute some professional and field-specific knowledge to the project. My desire to work with PDPC through this PhD position is to be a part of a diverse work team working on a very stimulating human-related and inter-disciplinary topic.