Josephine Wagenaar
Erasmus MC
Healthy Start PhD, Pediatric Resident
Josephine is a Healthy Start PhD candidate for the ambition ‘Children’s hospital of the future’. Within her research she focusses on redesigning care pathways and implementing teleneonatology to improve capacity strain in neonatal care. Within her research she analyses the current neonatal care and its problems in order to improve the capacity problems and to implement telemedicine in neonatal care.
Using methodologies such as prediction modelling, discrete event simulation, co-creation, and implementation science, Josephine strives to get the best analysis possible. She collaborates with external partners like nurses and paediatricians from the Amphia Hospital and Sylvia Obermann from Care4Neo to ensure her work is grounded in both clinical and parental perspectives.
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Irwin Reiss, Prof. Dr. Ir. Maaike Kleinsmann, Dr. Rob Taal, and Dr. Ir. Saba Hinrichs, Josephine’s goal is to advance neonatal care by creating innovative, evidence-based pathways that improve outcomes for preterm infants and their families while addressing systemic capacity challenges.