Spring School Towards @home motor rehabilitation after stroke

An inspiring 4-day international introduction to the principles of home-based rehabilitation

From May 29 to June 2, 2023, the 4-day Spring School Towards @home motor rehabilitation after stroke took place. This Spring School on home-based motor rehabilitation of the upper and lower extremities after stroke attracted young talented researchers from all over the world. 

Researchers from the ArmCoach4Stroke (Erasmus MC), connected to the Health & Technology flagship Convergence Human Mobility Center, and HEROES projects (Radboud UMC, Twente University), both IMDI CareTech projects funded by NWO/ZonMW and Nederlandse Hartstichting, jointly organized this Spring School on Home-based motor rehabilitation of the upper and lower extremities after stroke. The Spring School was organized in Maastricht in collaboration with and around the Congress on NeuroRehabilitation and Neural Repair.

Thirty young talented researchers (PhD candidates and Postdocs) from all over the world (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Iran, India, Mexico, UK) participated. The purpose of the Spring School was to introduce the principles of home-based rehabilitation from a multidisciplinary perspective, to provide the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with technology for measuring movements, and to collaborate with (inter)national colleagues on joint assignments.

Every day started with morning lectures by leading national and international researchers and practitioners in the field, with many lively discussions. These lectures were followed by hands-on workshops and creative and inspiring group work in the afternoons, and by social activities (dinner, city tour) in the evenings.

Get involved

We look back on an inspiring and meaningful Spring School. Of course, this was just one of the incentives within this program. If you want to learn more about the this program, participate in or be notified for upcoming events on home-based motor rehabilitation please get in touch with Hans Bussmann, project leader ArmCoach4Stroke project and associate professor/senior researcher Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Erasmus MC, j.b.j.bussmann@erasmusmc.nl