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Frontunner 1
Beek J.G. van der & Schrama M. (2023), Een eerste overzicht van de steekmuggen van Rotterdam, Straatgras 35(2): 52-58.
Krol L., Remmerswaal L., Groen M., Beek J.G. van der, Sikkema R.S., Dellar M.E., Bodegom P.M. van, Geerling G.W. & Schrama M.J.J. (2024), Landscape level associations between birds, mosquitoes and microclimates: possible consequences for disease transmission? , Parasites & Vectors 17: 156.
Frontrunner 1 in combination with other projects:
Krol L., Blom R., Dellar M., Beek J.G. van der Stroo A.C.J., Bodegom P.M. van, Geerling G.W., Koenraadt C.J.M. & Schrama M.J.J. (2023), Interactive effects of climate, land use and soil type on Culex pipiens/torrentium abundance , One Health 17: 100589. (gefinancierd vanuit OHPACT)
Krol L., Remmerswaal L., Groen M., Beek J.G. van der, Sikkema R.S., Dellar M.E., Bodegom P.M. van, Geerling G.W. & Schrama M.J.J. (2024), Landscape level associations between birds, mosquitoes and microclimates: possible consequences for disease transmission? , Parasites & Vectors 17: 156. (Gefinancierd vanuit OHPACT) (new)
Pauline A. de Best, Ayat Abourashed, Laura Doornekamp, Eric C. M. van Gorp, Aura Timen, Reina S. Sikkema, Frederic Bartumeus, John R. B. Palmer & Marion P. G. Koopmans (2024), Determinants of intended prevention behaviour against mosquitoes and mosquito-borne viruses in the Netherlands and Spain using the MosquitoWise survey: cross-sectional study | BMC Public Health (, Vol 24, Art. 1781 (Deels gefinancierd door NWO; project Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach) (new)
Frontrunner 2
Tosheva, I.I., Filaire, F., Rijnink, W.F. et al. Influenza A(H5N1) shedding in air corresponds to transmissibility in mammals. Nat Microbiol (2024).
Ilona I Tosheva, Kain S Saygan, Suzanne MA Mijnhardt, Charles J Russell, Pieter LA Fraaij, Sander Herfst, Hemagglutinin stability as a key determinant of influenza A virus transmission via air , Current Opinion in Virology, Volume 61, August 2023, 101335
Dataset: Supplementary materials for the publication: Using mobile air cleaners in school classrooms for aerosol removal: Which, where, and how – Ding, E. (Creator), Giri, A. (Creator), Gaillard, A. (Creator), Bonn, D. (Creator) & Bluyssen, P. M. (Creator), TU Delft – 4TU.ResearchData, 23 Jan 2024
Frontrunner 3
Jonkman, S.N., Curran, A. & Bouwer, L.M. Floods have become less deadly: an analysis of global flood fatalities 1975–2022. Nat Hazards 120 , 6327–6342 (2024).
Den Ouden, L. F. (2024). Flood preparedness of hospitals in the Netherlands [Master thesis, TU Delft].
Robert Borst, Karin Wisse, Bert de Graaff & Roland Bal (2023) – Caring for resilience: A knowledge agenda for health systems research in the Netherlands
Interview Karin van Vuuren: Van overstromingen tot ontploffingen: wat valt er te leren van de grootse rampen uit het verleden? Volkskrant 7 juni, 2024
Frontrunner 4
Frontrunner 4 in combinations with other projects
Frontrunner 5
No results to be shared yet