Publication on Covid-19 containment policies in Europe
We would like to congratulate Dr. Clara Egger on the “Covid-19 containment policies in Europe”, publication which she co-edited. Dr. Clara Egger is an assistant professor in Global Governance and a team member of Policy, Politics, and Society at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences and also a member of the PDPC. In this publication, the drivers, modalities and impacts of exceptional measures taken in response to Covid-19 were analyzed.
The book adopts a descriptive approach and gathers leading experts to analyze how each type of policy response was implemented in diverse ways across the thirty-two countries of the European Economic Area. It is structured in three parts: patterns of decision making, human rights, and non-pharmaceutical interventions and examines the diverse strategies implemented by the national and local European governments to contain the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rather than focusing on individual national case studies, it brings together leading scholars and policymakers to analyze the wide range of containment policies utilized across the continent at various levels of government. In doing so, the volume assesses Covid-19 crisis management experiences to identify good practices based on comparative and fine-grained evidence. It argues that such a stock-taking exercise is crucial to better prepare European politics and societies for future crises, including climate change and environmental disasters. The book will appeal to scholars and students of public policy, crisis-management, public administration, international relations, and comparative law.