WHO Workshop Contact Tracing

WHO Workshop Contact Tracing

On 11-15 December the Guideline Development Group (GDG) Contact Tracing workshop took place at the WHO Pandemic Hub in Berlin (https://pandemichub.who.int). The GDG on Contact Tracing acts in an advisory capacity to WHO towards the development of the contact tracing guidance (https://www.who.int/news-room/articles-detail/public-notice-and-comments-on-the-guideline-development-group-for-who-guideline-on-contact-tracing) and is chaired by Prof. Aasim Ahmad, Dean and Chief Nephrologist at the Kidney centre Post Graduate Training Institute in Karachi, Pakistan and Dr. Anja Schreijer, Medical Director of the Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness Center.

WHO Workshop Contact Tracing