Mental well-being of youth
We aim to identify and create optimal conditions for a mentally resilient generation, to improve early detection of mental health using technology and to create early interventions and preventive solutions to improve resilience. For this project, we will foster close collaborations between science, youth (mental) healthcare, schools and policy makers.
Core team
Anita Harrewijn (EUR), Carolina Figuera (TUD), Coen Koevoet (EUR), Danielle Remmerswaal (EUR), Eva Borkhuis (EUR), Eveline Crone (EUR), Michelle Achterberg (EUR), Mieke van der Bijl (TUD), Neeltje van den Bedem (NJI), Ruth van der Hallen (EUR), Ryan Muetzel (Erasmus MC), Wanda Tempelaar (Erasmus MC) and Yara Toenders (EUR)
For more information, please contact:
Related items
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A transdisciplinary collaboration toward scientific and societal agenda setting
Touching Minds
Bridging Research, Art, and Outreach with 3D-Printed Brain MRIs
A Gamified Solution to Study Pornographic Stereotypes
Online lessons for primary education on mental health
Clinical psychologists of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) together with Openbare Basisschool De Tandem and EUR Studio created an online lesson series on mental health and the brain for primary school children. The goal is to teach the children more about mental health and at the same time teach them about the wonderful world of science.
Appointments in Scientific Advisory Board MIND Us
The MIND Us foundation is committed to the healthy development of youth, in which they are encouraged to be vulnerable, to grow, to learn and to experience
Health College on mental well-being of youth
About the mental well being of youth
PISA study
Mental health Policy Impact on Suicide Attempts and self-harm incidents in youth
AI-based Digital Health Assistants for Preventive Youth Care
We will co-create an ethically legitimate LLM prototype digital health assistant that can support youth in healthy behaviors and essential skills, and provide crucial knowledge on Inclusive Human-Centric AI for youth mental health.
Music’s Mental Toolbox
This project explores music’s role towards well-being and societal engagement among young people in Rotterdam.
The story of Daniëlle Remmerswaal
Fear and gloom amongst young people: ‘How do we ensure young people can better deal with setbacks in life?’
The story of Michelle Achterberg
Psychological issues in young people: ‘How can we make young people more resilient to external influences and improve their mental health?’
Webinar March 15: Performance pressure on young people (NL)
On Wednesday 15 March at 4 p.m., the SYNC Lab EUR, together with the NWA route Youth, Healthy Start and NJR, is organizing a masterclass webinar for teachers and professionals: “Youth Perspective on Performance Pressure”.
Just-In-Time-Adaptive Mechanisms
Mental health-apps in co-creation with youth
HERSENonderzoek en educatie voor SPeels INzicht
(Re)Searching a Healthy Start
An Educational Podcast Project