Converging in My Digital Twin
‘My Digital Twin’ began in 2020 as one of the first flagships in the theme Health & Technology of the Convergence. As a first flagship consortium it must be said that they have been tremendous pioneers and challenged to solve problems of all kind. What have they learned so far?
Within My Digital Twin, a team of PIs and Post-docs from Erasmus MC and TU Delft from various medical and technical departments, such as Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Cardiology, Biostatistics, Medical & Bioinformatics, Industrial Design, and Bioelectronics, are developing digital care paths, including tools to obtain big data, from which algorithms, wearables and devices are being created. At this moment women around the pregnancy period and middle aged with hypertension are the target groups for improving health, and prediction and prevention of this disease.
With a lot to be done and discovered, the team organized a meeting in May 2022 at Lijm en Cultuur in Delft to reflect on the several useful lessons learned. The cartoons below are an illustration of the output of this meeting. As a growing Convergence Movement we hope that these lessons also help future projects.
Learn more
To learn more about My Digital Twin please navigate to the project page by clicking here.
Or get in touch with the leads of this project.