Youth participation and involvement

Increasing involvement and participation of unheard youth in society

Although more and more initiatives are being developed to shape the social and political participation of young people, it is becoming increasingly clear that large groups of young people still need to be reached. We aim to make the voice of -all- youth heard, in order to reduce inequality and optimize policy.

To this end, we investigate what works best – and why – to actively involve underrepresented youth (i.e., youth from vocational tracks, youth from low-ses backgrounds and neighborhoods) in youth participation projects. We work transdisciplinary and are focused on changing the participation of unheard youth.

Through co-creation with youth and societal partners, we develop new participation instruments in which participation is accessible and attractive. These instruments can be directly translated into interventions to optimize young people’s opportunities and improve societal participation.

Core team

Arwin van Buuren (EUR), Bianca Boenders (You!ng), Charlotte Tuijl (EUR), Coen Koevoet (EUR), Eveline Crone (EUR), Esther Rozendaal (EUR), Jeroen van der Waal (EUR), Judith van de Wetering, Kayla Green (EUR), Lysanne te Brinke (EUR), Milene Gonçalves (TUD) Susanne Osinga (TU Delft) and Yentl Liewma (Gemeente Rotterdam)

For more information, please contact:

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Theatre production

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Experiment cards

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Transdisciplinary course ‘Local to Global’

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Lysanne te Brinke on tv show ‘Tieners tegen kwalen’

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Supporting Participation and Research for Kids


Let’s Movez together

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(Re)Searching a Healthy Start

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The story of Milene Gonçalves

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The story of Lysanne te Brinke

“Many adolescents feel that their opinion and ideas are not valued”