HS Sprint project: ‘HERSENSPIN’

HERSENonderzoek en educatie voor SPeels INzicht
Project lead: Pauline Jansen (Erasmus MC)
Partners: Nederlands Jeugd Instituut, Insula College Dordrecht
Team: Anita Harrewijn (EUR), Ryan Muetzel (Erasmus MC), Hanan El Marroun (Advisor, EUR), Greetje Kranenburg (Insula College Dordrecht), Neeltje van den Bedem (Nederlands Jeugdinstituut)


The project HERSENSPIN is aimed at making research results accessible to secondary school students, their parents and involved professionals. We do this, among other things, by developing a workshop with interactive tools in which young people learn how their brains work and how this is linked to their daily behavior. In addition, we will give presentations for parents and professionals who work with young people, prepare factsheets and make information accessible via knowledge websites, such as the website of ‘Nederlands Jeugdinstituut’ (Netherlands Youth Institute). During the project we involve the target groups in the development of the products to make them as accessible and attractive as possible. The ultimate goal of HERSENSPIN is to contribute to a resilient society: by increasing knowledge and reducing stigma, psychological problems experienced by young people can be recognized and tackled at an early stage.

More information about this project

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