HS Sprint project: ‘Enhancing well-being and personal development for medical students’

Promoting equity and sustainable employability
Project lead: Annemerle Beerthuizen (EMC)
Partners: Caring universities, iMERR, De Geneeskundestudent, MFVR
Team: Rianne van der Zanden (EUR), Ans Stouten (Ministry of Education Culture and Science), Eva Madsen (EMC), Esmee Brandenburg, Sascha Struijs (Caring Universities), Mia Verstraeten (TUD), Lennert Koppelaars, Andrea Woltman (iMERR), Merel Molenaar (EUR), Timo Bolt (EMC), Banu Ozbakir (De Geneeskundestudent), Roisin Mc Cormack (EUR), Pieter Snelle (EUR), Lot Schaap (EMC), Martijn Visser (EUR)


Well-being of young physicians is decreasing and their drop-out rates are rising; a risk factor for future patient care. Within the education line VIP (Professional Identity Formation) we made a VIP-shop which is an overview of educational offerings on well-being and personal development. Together with a multidisciplinary team we will tailor the VIP-shop more to the needs and assets of our medical students. This will improve their well-being and increase their sustainable employability and ensure patient care in the future.

More information about this project

Do you have questions about this project or do you want to receive more information? Please contact the main applicant of this project: Annemerle Beerthuizen