HS Sprint project: ‘SPARK’

Supporting Participation and Research for Kids
Project lead: Joyce Weeland (EUR)
Partners: Ombudsman Rotterdam Rijnmond (ORR), GGD West-Brabant, Stichting Vreedzaam
Team: Lysanne te Brinke (EUR), Wanda Tempelaar (EMC), Milene Guerreiro
Goncalves (TUD), Kasia Tabeau (EUR), Mathieu Gielen (TUD), Josje van Nes (Ombudsman Rotterdam Rijnmond (ORR)), Esther Taute (GGD West-Brabant), Annemiek van Vliet (Stichting Vreedzaam), Manon Hillegers (EMC), Rowan Huijgen (EUR)


Children are the focus of numerous studies on wellbeing, yet they seldom participate in scientific research that informs interventions or health innovations in a meaningful way. This is a missed opportunity for research, for practice and for children. In this transformative project, convergence researchers, children (aged 8-12 years) and (mental) health care professionals explore three important challenges of child participation in research. Together we will co-create a roadmap towards a child research hub aiming to promote and support future participation.

More information about this project

Do you have questions about this project or do you want to receive more information? Please contact the main applicant of this project: Joyce Weeland