Healthy Start | Meet-up 27 June powered by
the Young Board
Date: 27 June 2023
Time: 16.00 – 18.00 PM
Location: Convergence Square, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
Working together is an essential part of doing impactful research. Collaboration between different scientists, local partners and target groups; it is necessary but often comes with difficulties. At the next Healthy Start Event, powered by the Young board, we will discuss the ins and outs of inter-, trans-, and multidisciplinary research.
During the event, two speakers will share their own experiences of trans-, inter- and multidisciplinary research;
- Associate professor dr. ir. Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer, TU Delft
- Promovendus Dominique Troost, Erasmus University
Of course the event is followed by some networking drinks. We would love to see you on the 27th of june at the Convergence Square of the Erasmus MC (Ba.432a).