Digital platform

Data Storage


How to create an extensible, secure and scalable architecture for storing and exploration of patient data?

Project 1 focuses on the collection of data. This project is one step further down the line: creating a platform to store and explore patient data. That needs to happen in a safe, secure, user-friendly manner. In short, we aim to create an extensible, secure and scalable architecture that allows users to store, explore, and discover patient data. That includes the hardware for feeding continuous vital-sign data to the platform.

We will be working on:

  • A prototype with content in line with the General Data Protection Regulation;
  • an application programming interface to retrieve and store data;
  • and a vital-signs monitoring hardware platform for continuous monitoring of patients and enriching the database with live data.

Medical expertise at Erasmus MC

Erasmus MC will be the domain expert. It is necessary to have medical experts influencing the design principles. Only then can we build a database that can serve as a medium for medical analytics, ensuring that GDPR and privacy issues are respected. Lastly, the hospital has expertise in consent and privacy of patients and distributed data analysis.

State-of-the-art technique at TU Delft

The TU Delft has expertise in state-of-the-art data management techniques. Researchers will set up a prototypical platform for storing and accessing medical data on a per-patient and collective level.

Converging TU Delft and Erasmus MC is necessary to develop methods for allowing patients to control how their data is used. Our researchers will collect lifelong data, enable patients to disclose information on-demand, and implement an autonomous vital-signs monitoring platform.

Current projects

Architecture of a Scalable Database for Storing Patient Data

In this work package, we will design a complete, scalable database for patient data. To meet our goal, we will start with the software:

  • We will design a scalable database architecture to host patient data extracted from Project 1.
  • We will build a data management system that allows for efficient querying of the database and performing data analysis tasks.

Regarding the hardware:

  • We aim to design and implement an autonomous continuous vital-sign monitoring platform with minimum burden to the patient.

The platform will consist of a wireless self-powered patch for vital-sign monitoring and a base-station receiver for transferring the data from the patch to the database. The implemented monitoring system will continuously update the database, dynamically representing the changes in the digital twin.