Young researchers get to work within Health & Tech
This week the Open Mind Calls were granted. From a pile of 124 submitted plans, 22 projects were selected. 18 research projects and 4 education projects have received an award within the themes of Health and Technology to get to work. The research projects within the so-called Open Mind Call are short, focused on young researchers and must have results by the end of 2021.
One of the criteria for the Open Mind Call was that the researchers should not have too much research experience and that at least two of the three institutions should be incorporated in the project team to enable convergence. The topics of the projects are very diverse, from Contactless monitoring of Neonates to Medical Self-Portraits, where young patients are in charge of their own medical record.
The Management Board reacted enthusiastically to the projects: “We are very pleasantly surprised by the large number of plans submitted. The high quality and found collaboration with other institutes shows that Convergence is alive’.
On September 17, the researchers will present their projects and ambitions at the Open Mind Symposium.
"We are very pleasantly surprised by the large number and high quality of the submitted proposals. It shows that Convergence is alive'.