Grant for Research on the Impact of School Closures

The PDPC is leading a new study on the impact of school closures during pandemics. The project will receive a €935,110.00 grant from ZonMw.  

Together with Erasmus MC, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB), UMC Utrecht, SEO Economic Research and the Nivel, the PDPC is investigating the short- and medium-term effects of closing Dutch secondary schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. The scientists will look at the spread of the disease, educational performance, employment, mental well-being, and wider economic effects. They will also look at the effects on vulnerable groups. In total, the collaboration partners will receive 9 tons from ZonMw.  

Future pandemic  

‘A school closure can have a major impact on students, and therefore influence society and the economy in the longer term,’ says research leader Dr. Anja Schreijer. The PDPC is therefore mapping the various effects of closing secondary schools. ‘This will allow us to better advise and make decisions during future pandemics.’ 

To achieve that, the scientists first examine how the school closures contained the spread of COVID-19 with an analysis of infections in schools. They will also review previous studies. Anja Schreijer: ‘In addition, we will investigate the effect of school closures in vulnerable groups on children’s educational achievement, their transition to higher education and work, and the impact on mental well-being.’   

Using this information, the researchers will then weigh up the economic costs and benefits. Anja Schreijer: ‘Finally, in a collaborative process with stakeholders, we will translate our findings into recommendations around school closures in future pandemics.’