Wanted: young researchers committed to open research

Are you a master’s student or a young researcher in the field of health and technology? Is open research part of your work or the work of others you know? If so, you may be eligible for the new Convergence Health and Technology Open Research Awards.

Open research is important in science. It is essential for its quality because it increases the transparency, openness, reproducibility and replicability of science. In recent years, the culture has been shifting from a focus on quantity of scientific publications to an open research culture.

But at present there are still a number of barriers that researchers experience to implementing open research principles in their daily work. For example, it takes time – an investment that is not always recognized.

With the Convergence Health and Technology Open Research Awards we want to stimulate this cultural shift and reward the time investment for implementing open research principles in technology and health research.

Open Research Awards

A total of 12 awards will be presented within Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus MC and TU Delft; 4 to each institute. These awards will be presented to 2 master students and 2 young researchers (PhD students, postdocs, research assistants/ collaborators) per institute. Each award consists of a certificate and an amount of €100.


You can nominate researchers for the awards until 31 August 2021, using an online form. You can nominate yourself as well as others.

More information about who is eligible for these awards and the evaluation criteria can be found on the website of Riot Science NL. Questions and suggestions can be emailed to info@riotscienceNL.com.


The Convergence Health and Technology Open Research Awards are organized and presented by the Convergence Health and Technology team, the Dean of Erasmus MC Prof. Hans Van Leeuwen, Dr. Adrian Cohen (Research & Education Department) and the Rotterdam R.I.O.T. Science Club team (Lorenza Dall’Aglio, Bing Xu and Elisabet Blok).

Members of the R.I.O.T. Science Club, the Open Science Community Rotterdam and the Open Science Community Delft contributed to the development of these awards. They will also evaluate the entries according to the pre-established criteria.