Convergence Imaging Facility and Innovation Centre
We aim to create a convergent imaging facility and innovation center (CIFIC) that accelerates the pace of innovation and application in bio-imaging and microscopy. CIFIC brings an integral approach, where innovation in microscopy is delivered by a flagship facility that provides both beyond-state-of-the-art equipment and an expertise and innovation ecosystem. This unique combination of technical and theoretical expertise (TU Delft), biomedical expertise (Erasmus MC) and innovation management and initiative (EUR) has several key advantages and opportunities:
- It creates an extensive mutual feedback-loop between technology development and application at the various Technology Readiness Levels.
- It enables optimization of an entire workflow, from sample preparation protocols such as tissue preservation and clearing, molecular probes and contrast agents, a set of interconnected instrumentation hardware, to computational algorithms and data analysis techniques tailored to specific biomedical applications.
- It stimulates commercialization and market readiness by continuous feedback along the entire innovation and Technology Readiness Level (TRL) chain. The proposed way of working is also an attractive value proposition for industrial partners to set up collaborations and cultivate entrepreneurial activities originating from the work.
Interactions between the TU Delft and Erasmus MC groups (mutual feedback loops) will be catalyzed by the Optical Imaging Centre (OIC), a core facility (CoFa) at Erasmus MC, with an excellent reputation for translating fundamental, translational and (pre)clinical research questions into specific microscopy applications. This catalyzing role will be strongly enhanced by close collaboration with the Van Leeuwenhoek Laboratory for Advanced Imaging Research (VLLAIR) at TU Delft, which hosts a range of microscopy pioneers targeting fundamental technology breakthroughs and instrumentation innovation co-developed with industrial partners. Innovation and commercialization will be further accelerated via support from the Erasmus Center for Innovation, whose members are specialized in collaboration creativity and learning management in large multiparty innovation networks.
Flagship Leads
Jacob P. Hoogenboom
Adriaan B. Houtsmuller
Murat Tarakci