PDPC webinar ‘Learning from a Crisis’ (Dutch)
PDPC Report ‘Learning from a Crisis’
In June, the Pandemic Disaster and Preparedness Center will release an interdisciplinary report (and accompanying white paper) describing the state of pandemic preparedness during the corona crisis: Learning from a Crisis. We explored what questions need to be answered from different disciplines to be better prepared for another pandemic.
Webinar ‘Learning from a Crisis’
On Tuesday, June 20, the PDPC is hosting a webinar on this interdisciplinary report.
With speakers including Dr. Anja Schreijer, Prof. Bas ter Weel, Dr. Marjolijn Olde Monnikhof. Dr. Ir Gerhard Wullink will moderate the webinar.
Date: Tuesday, June 20
Time: 14.00 to 15.00
Important: learn now so we are well prepared for the next pandemic
The corona pandemic was a health crisis of unprecedented proportions.
The impact on health care and the great uncertainty posed by a new virtually unknown disease called for rapid, sweeping measures based on incomplete and/or uncertain information. Given the enormous impact on our society, it is necessary to learn from this crisis now in order to provide better scientific advice in the future. It is not so much if, but rather when another pandemic will present itself.
Knowledge needed
The corona pandemic makes it clear to us that not only biomedical knowledge is necessary for effective pandemic control. Social and economic knowledge is also needed. The impact of measures on social cohesion, on vulnerable groups, on sectors, on trust in government, proved to be much more important than previously thought. This was partly due to the long duration of the pandemic. More knowledge on social and economic issues can improve pandemic preparedness.
Cross-domain preparedness
Moreover, good pandemic preparedness cannot consist only of separate biomedical, social and economic elements. Especially cross-domain preparedness must also be good. This is not only a national matter, the use of international knowledge and networks is also important. Poor preparation in one of the areas is poor preparation as a whole.
Date: June 5, 2023