Machine Learning Teachers Get Together
Dear machine learning teachers,
On Monday the 14th of October our next meetup will take place at Echo Arena. Dr. Bianca Giovanardi (AE) will show the progress of the working group for designing a platform for sharing AI and machine learning education materials.
12:30-12:45 Walk in, grab lunch
12:45-13:15 Dr. Bianca Giovanardi (AE): a platform for sharing AI and machine learning educational materials for teachers.
13:15-13:30 Networking and wrap up
For: Teachers from all faculties involved in teaching machine learning courses.
Where: Echo Arena (https://map.tudelftcampus.nl/nl/poi/echo/ ground floor of Echo)
When: Monday 14th of October, 12:30-13:30
For more information about the Machine Learning Teachers Community, see our website: https://www.tudelft.nl/ai/onderwijs/ai-onderwijsinnovatie/machine-learning-teachers-community