Artificial Intelligence Minors Symposium 4 October
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the way we do research and the day to day operation in our profession inside and outside of academia. The field of Artificial Intelligence involves both the development of computational techniques and the societal impact of these techniques. Introducing these technologies into society will have a profound impact on future generations, and hence requires skilled professionals with understanding of AI. Erasmus University Rotterdam, TU Delft and Leiden University have developed three AI minor programmes, each with its own approach, to prepare students for the role of AI in their future.
The aim of this symposium is to inform you about these AI minors that have been developed within the AI Convergence alliance. During this symposium we give short presentations about the different curricula and how they were aligned and developed in close collaboration with each other, while maintaining their own signature and emphasizing different views on AI.
After the presentations we want to discuss how future AI education could be developed in the next few years and how new collaborations could take shape. We would like to end this short symposium with drinks and some time to talk to one another.
14.30 Walk-in at Mondai, TU Delft
14.45 Opening – Dr. Willem-Paul Brinkman (TU Delft, Computer Science)
15.00 Presentations AI Minors
- Erasmus University Rotterdam – Minor programme: AI in Society
- TU Delft – Minor programme: Engineering with AI
- Leiden University – Minor programme: AI and Society
15.45 Short break
16.00 Discussion about collaborative AI education
16.45 Drinks
17.30 End
We hope to see you at Mondai on October 4!
This event is organized by:
Workgroup AI Education in Convergence
Dr. Willem-Paul Brinkman (TU Delft)
Dr. Christoph Lofi (TU Delft)
Prof.dr. Evert Stamhuis (EUR)
Michele Murgia (EUR)
Susanne van Aardenne (TU Delft)
Wendy Jansen (TU Delft)