About Convergence

TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC join forces in Convergence. The urgent and complex societal challenges of our time ask for fundamentally new forms of cooperation, whereby the boundaries between institutes and disciplines are crossed to create new perspectives and solutions.

In research and education, we are committed to combine our strengths, knowledge and methods to address societal challenges such as climate change, sustainability, pressure on the healthcare system, urbanisation and digitalisation. Within the alliance we are working on a number of themes: Resilient Delta, Health & Technology, AI, Data & Digitalisation. On these challenges we collaborate with a large number of public and private partners in South Holland and beyond. Using the region as living lab, Convergence thus creates a leading research and innovation ecosystem in South Holland, with great (inter)national appeal and ambitions.

Also read our mission & vision

The urgent and complex societal challenges of our time call for convergence; the crossing of boundaries between institutes and disciplines to create new perspectives and solutions. For this reason, TU Delft, Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam are joining forces in Convergence.

Mission & vision

Convergence Supervisory Board

The Convergence Supervisory Board (CSB) consists of the presidents of the respective supervisory boards of the three institutions:

Convergence Office

The Convergence Office supports the Convergence Executive Board (CEB) and Supervisory Board (CSB) and coordinates the overarching organisation and implementation of Convergence, including support on strategy, business operations, valorisation and policy.

Convergence Facts & Figures

Convergence connects three complementary top institutions in a radius of 15km.

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