Second round Port proposals for Convergent researchers

Due to the positive responses to the first round of the kick-starter, the RDi Port group has decided to re-open this kick-starter opportunity for a second round.

Therefore, we invite researchers (early career as well as established) to contribute to two activities for 2022 to kickstart the Theme Port of Resilient Delta. The deadline for submitting is July 25, end of day. We aim to let you know the results in August so you can start as soon as possible. Please use the template attached at the end of this page and keep your application under 2 pages.

Activity 1: Seeding studies

The first activity includes seeding studies into new Convergent Port-based research fields or topics. We will fund a maximum of 3 seeding studies and reserve a maximum budget of 40K for each study. These seeding studies need clear potential for follow-up, for example as a starting point for an application to an EU grant. These studies should run from August – December 2022, or longer if fitting. The type of results we expect are a report,  application for larger NWO/EU grant, or leads for new public-private consortia in Port innovation.

Activity 2: Impacter

The second activity includes an “Impacter” for ongoing or recently finished projects that want to implement part of their project/ongoing research. The max. budget per project is 8k. The impact activities have to be finished before December 2022. We are thinking of the following type of deliverables: prototyping, round table discussion, policy briefs, create media footage, etc.

Conditions for applying

  • Topic contributes to overall theme of Resilient Delta
  • Relevance for policy Port of Rotterdam and/or City of Rotterdam
  • Project cannot be funded by other sources
  • Only researchers from TU Delft, Erasmus University or Erasmus MC can apply
  • At least two of three (TU Delft, Erasmus University or Erasmus MC) universities need to be involved
  • Project idea not yet covered by EUR, EMC or TUD research projects
    (not applicable for impact projects)
  • Preferably majority of budget spent before 2023
  • We are not able to fund permanent contract based scientific staff
  • Maximum of 2 pages content

Based on these conditions, proposals will be evaluated and selected by the RDi Port coordination group. The RDi Port coordination group consists of full Port professors from the three institutes. Please submit your ideas using the format attached below no later than July 25, via

Template for submitting:

Kickstarter activities Port. leaflet 2nd round

Port Kickstarter Project proposal

Resilient Delta aims to be a pioneer in designing solutions to the pressing societal issues related to the major transitions of our time. The convergence between Erasmus University, Erasmus Medical center and Delft University of Technology, with their close physical proximity and complementary expertise, will allow for long-term resilience solutions for the challenges of the delta.

Through interdisciplinary research and co-creation, we will together design practical, applicable and scalable resilience solutions, including policies, technologies, business models

Any questions?

Reach out to