AI Masterclass: Decolonizing AI

On behalf of Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam we would like to invite you to the AI Masterclass: Decolonizing AI, on June 29th at 16:45.

AI Masterclass: Decolonizing AI

This masterclass will take a deep dive into the social impact of AI systems.  AI systems can reflect and perpetuate biases and inequalities present in society. The prevention of institutional racism, and discrimination more generally, in AI systems requires grasping two highly significant but often ignored aspects. The first is the relation between inclusion and technology. The world of diversity and inclusion often doesn’t meet the world of digitalisation and automation, while the two are often heavily intertwined. The second is the nascent study of coloniality in this meeting of worlds. In this masterclass we go beyond the ethical perspective that often overlooks these two aspects and provide an understanding of how colonial histories play a role in AI today.

The Speaker

Oumaima Hajri is a researcher at the Kenniscentrum Creating 010 and focusses in her work on the intersection between artificial intelligence and ethics. She studies how artificial intelligence can be used in a responsible and ethical way – by for example looking at ethical implications throughout the entire design process. Hajri is furthermore a board member of Public Spaces and initiator of the Alliance against Military AI consortium.

Program June 29, 2023

Location: Erasmus Data Collaboratory Y1.10, Polak Building, Erasmus University Campus
Parking: can be done in the underground parking lot on campus. If you exit at staircase 3, you will see the Polak Building right in front of you.

16:45 – 17:00 Welcome (Refreshments will be served)
17:00 – 17:05 Kick-Off and Introduction
17:05 – 17:50 Masterclass presentation on decolonizing AI
17:50 – 18:05 Break (Refreshments and snacks will be served)
18:05 – 18:55 Interactive discussion and workshop
18:55 – 19:00 Wrap-up
19:00 – 19:30 Networking drinks and bites

This program is organized by the AI, Data & Digitalization – Convergence, (a collaboration with Erasmus MC, Erasmus University Rotterdam, TU Delft and Leiden University) and Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics where the complementarity of technical sciences and the humanities is central.

Target Audience

• AI developers,
• policymakers,
• researchers,
• civil society organizations,
• interested citizens and affected communities.

In this Masterclass we will cover:

• What is the societal impact of AI? How does it intersect with issues of discrimination, social inequality, and climate change?
• What strategies and techniques can be employed to identify and mitigate these issues in AI systems?
• What role do diversity and inclusion play in fostering the development and use of AI for good?
• Which considerations should policymakers, regulators, developers, and designers include in fostering the development and use of AI for good?
• What are the ongoing research areas and future directions for promoting social justice within the field of AI?

We look forward to seeing you there. Let us know if you have any questions.