30th Infectious Diseases Transmission Day
On Tuesday, March 28, Nora Bünemann and Valérie Eijrond of the Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center participated in the 30th Infectious Diseases Transmission Day. The theme of this day was “Learning by Doing: ‘Innovation in Infectious Disease Control’. During the poster session, Nora and Valerie presented the Underserved Groups project of the PDPC. The objective of this project is to conduct research with underserved groups to understand barriers and drivers to vaccination, testing adherence to other COVID-19 prevention measures. These insights will be used to inform the development of targeted interventions for underserved groups in the Netherlands.
For an overview of the outcomes of the first step in this project, check out the poster below.
Interested to know more? Contact Valérie Eijrond (v.eijrond@erasmusmc.nl) & Nora Bünemann (buenemann@essb.eur.nl)
Date: April 11, 2023